
How To Disable Any HTML Section With the Hugo Front Matter

How To Disable Any HTML Section With the Hugo Front Matter

I can now disable my giscus section with a single parameter.

Adding a Copy Button and Language Tab to Code Blocks in Hugo

Adding a Copy Button and Language Tab to Code Blocks in Hugo

My code blocks just got fancier.

How I Built This Website

How I Built This Website

A guide on building a personal website, how I built this site with Hugo and Netlify, and other things I learned.

My Python Script for Making Blog Posts on Hugo

My Python Script for Making Blog Posts on Hugo

Enter a title, and make the file for a new blog post.



My Python Script for Making Blog Posts on Hugo

My Python Script for Making Blog Posts on Hugo

Enter a title, and make the file for a new blog post.

How I’m Hosting My Images For Free

How I’m Hosting My Images For Free

I can now load my images my quickly—and host them for free.

How to Create a Notion Page Using Python

How to Create a Notion Page Using Python

Create Notion pages in your database with a single click.



Styling the giscus Comments Widget

Styling the giscus Comments Widget

Some notes on styling the giscus widget.

Adding a Copy Button and Language Tab to Code Blocks in Hugo

Adding a Copy Button and Language Tab to Code Blocks in Hugo

My code blocks just got fancier.



How To Disable Any HTML Section With the Hugo Front Matter

How To Disable Any HTML Section With the Hugo Front Matter

I can now disable my giscus section with a single parameter.

Styling the giscus Comments Widget

Styling the giscus Comments Widget

Some notes on styling the giscus widget.



How to Create a Notion Page Using iOS Shortcuts

How to Create a Notion Page Using iOS Shortcuts

With this shortcut, you can make Notion pages with a single tap.

How to Create a Notion Page Using Python

How to Create a Notion Page Using Python

Create Notion pages in your database with a single click.


Graphic Design

How I’m Making Pretty Images of My Code

How I’m Making Pretty Images of My Code

How I use Carbon and a bit of Adobe Illustrator.




Life Update

A Quick Reflection on 2023 (And A Quick Update)

A Quick Reflection on 2023 (And A Quick Update)

A quick reflection on the past year, and a quick update on what I'm doing now.